New Jersey Fall and Winter Furnace Maintenance Tips
Furnace maintenance requires minimal time and effort and ensures your family stays warm and comfortable all winter long. Before temperatures start to drop, perform these important maintenance tasks or call the professionals at Corbin Electrical Services to fully inspect your home heating system.

Filter Replacement
A clogged filter impedes air flow, which prevents warm air from properly circulating throughout your home. Replace your air filter at least every three months; sooner if you have allergies, pets or an extremely dusty environment. Monthly filter replacement may be necessary in some cases. Locate and pull out your old filter, then slide in a new one, following the arrows on the filter’s frame. Consider upgrading a flat filter to a pleated, HEPA or electrostatic filter to increase your furnace’s energy efficiency.
Other Furnace Maintenance
You should complete regular maintenance and check your heating system twice a year; once before you start it up and again before shutting it down after the winter season. While it’s best to have the experts at Corbin Electric inspect your furnace, you can perform some maintenance tasks yourself.
- Check and clean the burner.
- Check and clean the heat output assembly to ensure the blower isn’t clogged.
- Use a vacuum or pressurized air to clean the exterior of the burner, pilot and blower.
- Remove air vent covers to clean vents and ducts using the hose attachments on your vacuum.
- Bleed the valves on hot-water radiators, if applicable. Do this by slightly opening the valves, then closing them again as soon as water appears.
- Turn off furnace power at the main circuit breaker and remove the air handler cover to inspect the blower belt for damage. The largest belt in the furnace, it should be replaced if it’s cracked or shows other signs of extreme wear.
- Inspect your exhaust flue outdoors to ensure it’s free of any obstructions, especially tree branches.
- Open all your indoor air vents and remove anything covering these vents or placed in front of the return vents.
- Set your system to heat and lower the temperature until your furnace kicks on to test the system.
If your furnace doesn’t function properly after completing your furnace maintenance, contact the professional heating repair, installation and maintenance staff at Corbin Electrical Services. We offer 24-hour emergency service, 365 days a year, and maintenance programs to help prevent costly breakdowns. Call us at 732-536-0444 for all your HVAC needs today.