Just Like You, Your Generator Needs Regular Exercise for Peak Performance

Just Like You, Your Generator Needs Regular Exercise for Peak PerformanceIt’s common knowledge: We all need exercise to stay healthy. But did you know your generator needs regular exercise too? Exercising your generator by running it on a regular basis – even when you don’t need it – helps prolong engine life and can also enable you to identify and even diagnose little problems before they have a chance to grow into major headaches. Even short periods of time without use can result in fuel-related problems and allow moisture to build up in generator components.

Here’s how to exercise your generator to help ensure peak performance:

  • First, make sure your generator’s intake and exhaust are clear. Move your generator outside to an area away from your home to prevent fire or carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Next, connect your generator so it has at least a 50 percent load. Turning it on without having it power anything is only partially helpful, because it doesn’t allow you to identify any issues that might occur once power is actually being drawn from the unit. Plus, your generator was designed to work with an electrical load being drawn. Operating it without that load doesn’t enable it to work out as effectively so you won’t get the full benefits. Your generator manual will tell you what the unit’s maximum load is; aim for about half of that during exercise.
  • Make sure the generator has fuel and check connections as you normally would before starting it. Then, power it up and let it run for at least two hours. A two-hour period allows the unit to lubricate itself and also ensures any moisture will be completely burned off. While it’s running, listen for any unusual sounds or check for other issues that could indicate a potential problem. And that’s it. Simple, right?

It also helps if you keep a supply of oil, filters and other items for preventive maintenance so you can address any minor issues that might become apparent during exercise. While you’re at it, add regularly scheduled exercise to your calendar – monthly is ideal – so you don’t forget.

Your generator was built to work, and allowing it to remain unused for long periods can result in its operating less efficiently or even refusing to work at all. Exercising your generator is a simple way to make sure it continues to work its best.