Generator Home Monitoring
The peace of mind offered by a power source that’s ready for action even in the event of an outage is priceless. But without careful monitoring and routine maintenance, this peace of mind may be at risk. That’s why Corbin Electrical Services offers a convenient home monitoring option to residents of Elizabeth and Princeton and homeowners all across New Jersey.

Benefits of Our Generator Home Monitoring Services
A home monitoring system allows you to keep track of your generator’s status and performance without ever setting foot outside of the home. Here’s why you should consider outfitting your home with a monitoring setup:
- It’s totally wireless. Making the trek to your generator to give it an in-person once-over isn’t always convenient – especially in the midst of a bitter New Jersey winter. These systems give you quick access to your generator’s controls and status indicators from indoors.
- You’ll receive instant status updates. Think your generator’s fallen victim to an internal issue? Status indicators show up right on your remote control.
- The remotes are accessible and inconspicuous. Though installation methods vary – some sit in cradles, while others mount to the wall – generator home monitoring remotes offer effortless access without compromising your home’s aesthetic appeal.
- Your remote will stay on when the power goes out. Monitoring remotes typically employ A/C power, but they’re always equipped with a backup battery in preparation for a potential outage. Plus, an alarm will let you know when the remote’s battery is critically low.
Learn More About Our Services
A generator home monitoring package offers a simple opportunity to safeguard your generator for years to come. Reach out to Corbin Electrical Services today to learn more about these systems, along with our various additional services – we offer maintenance agreements that deliver routine check-ins and priority scheduling, new generator sales and installation and much more.